Choose a Career a Path in IT; acquire the skills you need to succeed in Nigeria Today
Would you want to build a successful career in information technology IT , would you want an IT career path that you can learn in other to get your dream job?
Information Technology (IT) continues to change the way we live, play, and do business, so it should come as no surprise that computing and IT is the fastest-growing career field, and will continue to be for years to come. Information technology has entered and benefited all sectors of industry.
The dominance of the IT job market is due to numerous factors which include:
Rapid growth of the Internet and e-commerce,
The fact that every company now wants to have an online presence which has increased the demand for web developers
Lower hardware prices allowing more businesses to upgrade their technology,
Increased demand for information security specialists spurred by the escalating frequency and sophistication of cyber-crimes,
The advent of smarter applications enabling companies to analyze data for unprecedented business intelligence,
Cloud computing revolutionizing the way IT departments operate, and
The continued proliferation of mobile devices. ETC
For established information technology professionals or those beginning a career path in tech, this is great news. However, despite rapid growth and increased opportunity, simply showing up will not guarantee success.
The IT job market will continue to get more competitive as people follow the money and jobs. This is why it’s important to clearly identify your career objectives and develop a learning plan with the necessary skills, computer training, and IT certifications to build a competitive edge and achieve your goals.
Understanding the current IT career landscape is your first step, and then enrolling in practical hands-on training that will prepare you for the career path you want is very important.
At Bizmarrow Computer training institute Abuja Nigeria, both those who are already in IT and those who want to change career to IT are helped and mentored on how to get started in their chosen IT career path.
We also help those who are not sure how to start or those who don’t really know the career path in IT they want. Our IT professionals will guide you to choose a well-paying and fulfilling career path in tech.
profiled below are some of the most sought-after IT career paths based on earning power, growth potential, job outlook, and excitement.
- AutoCAD Drafter
- Chief Information Officer
- Cloud Engineer
- Computer Animator
- Computer Programmer
- Computer Scientist
- Computer Systems Analyst
- Database Administrator
- Data Scientist
- DevOps Engineer
- Graphic Designer
- Hardware Engineer
- Health Information Technician
- Help Desk Technician
- IT Manager
- IT Project Manager
- IT Security Specialist
- Mobile App Developer
- Network Administrator
- Network Architect
- Robotics Engineer
- Software Engineer
- User Interface Developer
- Video Game Designer
- Web Developer

Build a career in IT
Do you want to change jobs and take up an IT career? Are you a graduate who wants to build a career in IT? Do you have some skills in IT but you want to build a career path that can give you your dream job? Are you not sure of the IT training and skills you need to prepare for the career you want?
Bizmarrow IT career path training is created to help you choose a career in IT, get the required IT training and skills which prepare you for a well-paying job. Our IT career path specialist is always ready to guide you
In this 21st century, You don’t just need training, you need career path training i.e a combination of training and skills, that give you all you need to start a successful career either as an employee or as an employer
For the past two years, BiZmarrow Technologies has been carrying out extensive research into Nigerian academic qualifications and career paths. (HOW EASY OR DIFFICULT IT IS TO GET A JOB WITH NIGERIAN ACADEMIC CERTIFICATES)
Unfortunately, we discovered that there is a mismatch between what Nigerian youths study in our institutions of higher learning and the job they finally get if they do at all.
As a result, we have come up with career path training and programs where we help you choose a career path and be job-ready or to set up your own business, no matter your level of education.
What makes this program different from our other training programs is that it is made up of different courses, which are combined to form a career path training program. and when they are learned together, they help the individual to become a complete solution provider in a choosing career.
The success we have seen in the few students that have enrolled shows that this is the solution to job, career, and empowerment problems facing Nigeria.
Most students go to schools or enroll in training without knowing what they will become after the training or schooling. This is one big problem our career path programs tend to solve. Before you enroll, our career path guardian and counselor would have discussed with you to identify the best career path for you and what you will become after your training.